Thermojetics Yellow
This exciting dietary supplement combines garcinia cambogia, a centuries-old Indian fruit that is a natural source of
hydroxycitric acid, with chromium GTF, an essential trace mineral. Thermojetics Yellow helps you control your snacking and
can be especially helpful for those woh need extra support late in the day or night.* Use in conjunction with Thermojetics
Green and Beige tablets for better results.

Thermojetics Yellow is an ideal evening sweet craving fighter.
This is a great product for Diabetics, it helps to balance the blood sugar levels within minutes.
**We call this product Snooze while you loose product**
What that means, is that if you take this tablet before you go to bed, you can burn up to 600 calories
while you sleep at night because it keeps your metabolism going at a creeping pace. So it won't keep you awake.
Everyone who is loosing weight should be on this product or if they have any kind of problem with sugar
levels staying balanced, whether it is up or down problems.
Thermojetics Yellow is a truly simple and yet very potent product, just two ingredients, Garcinia Cambogia,
which is an herb from the subcontinent of India, and Chromium, which is a mineral. Both are felt to play a role in glucose
homeostasis in other words to help keep the glucose insulin pathway stable. So for all dieters and especially for those
with a tendency towards reactive hyperglycemia or symptoms that may be attributable to that and even for most diabetics the
combination of a healthy diet which can include our cellular nutrition of Formulas 1,2 & 3 along with the Thermojetics
Yellow can assist you in achieving appetite control and feeling balanced and satisfied as you manage your weight or reduce
your weight.
Thermojectics Yellow is fabulous for those individuals who are still having a bit of difficultly controlling
their appetite. If you are using the Thermojetics Green and Beige and/or the Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate you
can additionally use the Thermojetics Yellow for added appetite control.
Some people are sensitive to any kind of energy enhancing herb or any stimulates of any sort and for those
of you who find yourself in that category you can very safely use Thermojetics Yellow for that added appetite control without
any energy enhancement. It’s a wonderful product for those of you who have trouble with avoiding snacking in the
evening time.
So, lets summarize, for those of you who are wishing improved appetite control over all we would recommend
that you add in the Thermojetics Yellow with your Green and Beige or alone, mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and in the evening
time. So it is a stand-alone product along with the cellular nutrition Formulas 1, 2, & 3 or can be used in combination
with the Thermojetics Green and Beige, Thermojetics Herbal Concentrate and other products that are part of the Quick Start,
Advanced and Ultimate Weight Management program.
*Statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. These products not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.